Delay-Robust Journeys in Timetable Networks with Minimum Expected Arrival Time

Julian Dibbelt, Ben Strasser, and Dorothea Wagner
Publication Date: 
June, 2014

We study the problem of computing delay-robust routes in timetable networks. Instead of a single path we compute a decision graph containing all stops and trains/vehicles that might berelevant. Delays are formalized using a stochastic model. We show how to compute a decisiongraph that minimizes the expected arrival time while bounding the latest arrival time over allsub-paths. Finally we show how the information contained within a decision graph can compactlybe represented to the user. We experimentally evaluate our algorithms and show that the running times allow for interactive usage on a realistic train network.

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Bibtex Entry: 
@INPROCEEDINGS{dsw-drjtn-14, AUTHOR = {Julian Dibbelt and Ben Strasser and Dorothea Wagner}, TITLE = {{Delay-Robust Journeys in Timetable Networks with Minimum Expected Arrival Time}}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS'14)}, KEY = {ATMOS'14}, SERIES = {OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs)}, YEAR = {2014}, PDF = {} }
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