A Web Application for Recommending Personalized Mobile Tourist Routes

Damianos Gavalas, Michael Kenteris, Charalampos Konstantopoulos and Grammati Pantziou
Publication Date: 
August, 2012

Τhis article deals with the problem of deriving personalized recommendations for daily sightseeing itineraries for tourists visiting any destination. Our approach considers selected places of interest that a traveller would potentially wish to visit and derives a near-optimal itinerary for each day of visit; the places of potential interest are selected based on stated or implied user preferences. Our method enables the planning of customised daily personalised tourist itineraries considering user preferences, time available for visiting sights in daily basis, opening days of sights and average visiting times for these sights. Herein, we propose a heuristic solution to this problem addressed to both web and mobile web users. Evaluation and simulation results verify the competence of our approach against an alternative method.

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Bibtex Entry: 
@article{gavalas:313, author = {D. Gavalas and M. Kenteris and C. Konstantopoulos and G. Pantziou}, collaboration = {}, title = {Web application for recommending personalised mobile tourist routes}, publisher = {IET}, year = {2012}, journal = {IET Software}, volume = {6}, number = {4}, pages = {313-322}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SEN/6/313/1}, doi = {10.1049/iet-sen.2011.0156} }
Publication Details: 
IET Software, 6(4), pp. 313-322