Realistic Pedestrian Routing

Simeon Danailov Andreev
Publication Date: 
June, 2013

Pedestrian routing receives more and more attention, as devices capable of routeplanning are nowadays increasingly available. A problem arises – road networkdatabases generally lack explicit information about street walkways. This bachelorthesis shows how the walkways can be computed based on such a database. Asolution is also designed to avoid large traffic junctions, as pedestrians generallydo. An additional problem are areas where pedestrians can walk freely, for instanceplazas, squares and parks. This problem is solved by computing visibility graphs andadding special handling for parks – areas where footpaths are preferred to walkingacross. Experimental evaluations are then shown for all solutions. 

Work Packages: 
Bibtex Entry: 
@MASTERSTHESIS{a-rpr-12, AUTHOR = {Simeon Danailov Andreev}, TITLE = {{Realistic Pedestrian Routing}}, MONTH = {November}, SCHOOL = {Karlsruhe Institute of Technology}, TYPE = {Bachelor Thesis}, YEAR = {2012} }
Publication Details: 
Bachelor thesis of S.~Andreev, pending publication is joint work with by J.~Dibbelt, M.~Nöllenburg, T.~Pajor, and D.~Wagner