IEEE ITSS Newsletter 2013 July Issue

IEEE ITS Society Newsletter
Vol. 15, No. 3, July 2013
The latest issue of the ITSS Newsletter is now available for download by clicking here:
In This Issue:
Society News and Announcements
Message from the Editor
Message from the President
Report of ExCOM/BOG June 2013 Meetings
Launching of "ITS Podcast"
Formation of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE ITSS
Formation of the Nagoya Chapter of the IEEE ITSS
2013 IEEE ITS Awards Call for Nomination
IEEE Innovation in Societal Infrastructure Award
Conferences and Call for Papers
2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'13) Report
2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'14) Call for Papers
2013 IEEE ITS Conference - Call for Participation
IEEE T-ITS Special Issue on Human Factors in Intelligent Vehicles
IEEE T-ITS Special Issue on Next Generation Rail Operations
Conference Calendar
Transactions on ITS Abstracts
ITS Magazine Abstracts
Officers and Committee Chairs
Editorial Board
Newsletter Subscription
Miguel ?ngel Sotelo
Associate Editors
Simona Bert?
IEEE T-ITS and IEEE ITS Magazine
Report and Abstracts
Massimo Bertozzi and Paolo Grisleri
Conferences Workshops and Journals
Web Archive and Electronic Subscription
The IEEE ITS Society Newsletter
is published quarterly in January,
April, July, and October. The current
and all past issues of the Newsletter
may be downloaded at no charge from
the Society's web site:
You may subscribe to or unsubscribe
from announcements at the same
Web site. Announcements are sent to
more than 16,000 ITS professionals from
industry, academia, and government.
This email was distributed on behalf of:
Miguel ?ngel Sotelo, Prof.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Newsletter
All past issues of the Newsletter can be downloaded, free of charge, from the Society's web site: