ERTICO eMagazine July 2013

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the special Dublin ITS Congress edition of the ERTICO eMagazine!
Last time ERTICO published the eMagazine, we were working full speed ahead to ensure that the forthcoming European ITS Congress would be a success. Amidst the  excitement, project managers were finalising their workshops and special sessions, our ITS experts were selecting the best research papers, our communications department was pumping out press releases, and the congress department was working around the clock with our excellent hosts ITS Ireland to prepare the venue and exhibition programme.
As always, it was a stimulating experience to be part of such a collective effort, and to witness everything coming together in the name of the congress. However, as launch date approached and as everyone involved made their way to Dublin, adrenaline ran high in hopes that everything would go off smoothly as planned.

Well, we are delighted to say that in Dublin, it did. Between 4 -6 June 2013 our efforts paid-off making the 9th European ITS Congress a huge success. Not only did Dublin welcome us with four days of glorious sunshine, but delegates and exhibitors were treated to:
* A full programme of ITS events, workshops and special sessions
* Two floors of ITS exhibitions featuring Europe’s leading ITS companies and institutions
* The opportunity to mix with colleagues from across the world during an unforgettable Irish Night at the GUINNESS Storehouse

In total, 1738 delegates attended the event from 55 countries worldwide. They represented 204 companies, and took part in a total of 199 technical demonstrations.
We are delighted to be publishing this ITS Dublin Special Edition to sum up a memorable congress and to take stock of the achievements of the four day event.
We hope you enjoy every page.
The Editorial Team
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