Newsflash 14.05.2012

Dear Madam/Sir,

The reorganisation of DG INFSO has now been approved by the college of Commissioners: DG INFSO turns into DG CONNECT on 1 July 2012.

The ICT-for-Transport portfolio will be part of directorate CONNECT.H under the leadership of Mr Paul Timmers, Director. Paul's area of responsibility has been named "Sustainable & Secure Society". Under this umbrella, our unit ICT for Transport will be merged with unit ICT for Sustainable Growth and become Smart Cities & Sustainability (CONNECT.H.5). Other units in Paul's realm will be dealing with Health and Wellbeing, Digital Social Platforms, Public Services and, last but not least, Trust and Security.

Our ICT-for-Transport portfolio will be transferred to the new unit and we will continue to work on our current topics and develop new ones.

Also, all our staff will go to the new entity, with two exceptions: Our current Head of Unit, Mr Juhani Jääskeläinen, has been appointed Adviser for ICT for Transport & Energy. He will thus be freed from administrative tasks and be able to fully put his expertise and experience at the disposal of Paul, the entire new directorate CONNECT.H and the ITS and ICT-for-Energy communities. In particular, Juhani will continue to work on international ITS relations, stay involved in the iMobility Forum and other fora and keep working on ITS conferences and congresses.

We regret the departure of our Deputy Head of Unit, Mrs Helen Köpman. She has been appointed Deputy Head of Unit Innovation (CONNECT.F.2).

Our new Head of Unit will be Mrs Colette Maloney, with Mr Kyriakos Baxevanidis deputising her.

Our telephone numbers and e-mail addresses will remain the same, and we shall stay in the same offices for the immediate future.

Please take a look at the website announcing the switch to DG CONNECT<>. There, you will also find the organisation chart<> of the new Directorate-General and its mission statement<> as well as the statements of its directorates and units.

We are looking forward to continuing working with you.

With kind regards,
Thomas R. Haub

Communication Officer 'ICT for Transport'
European Commission
Directorate-General Information Society and Media<>
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